Sunday, March 30, 2008


We're finding that travel nowadays SUCKS our massive J'Adorable.  What's even more annoying is when we're unable to get the upgrade we were promised due to all the complications with our airline this week. 

So we were giving the business section a huge JE N'ADORE PAS today when we got on the plane because it looked like a fucking nursery!  There were more kids than adults in our business class seats, and they were ALL under 9 years old!  Why does a baby need it's own seat???

To add insult to injury, we saw these two little bitches sitting in business on their MAC computers playing their games and asking for refills on their cranberry vodka drinks.  Okay.  Maybe there wasn't any vodka up in there, but still!  We were bitter.  Major!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i saw them yesterday sipping champagne at The Mercer. outrageous. are these the new Olsens?