So, tomorrow afternoon we're off to Las Vegas. On the one hand we HATE Las Vegas. On the other hand, we're flying via private jet. On the third hand, we HAAAAAATE Las Vegas. On the fourth hand, we're getting picked up by Rolls Royce and taken to accommodations at the Wynn that will probably blow our minds away. On the fifth hand, we still LOATHE Las Vegas. On the last hand, we get to stay one extra day and go to a blowout 40th bday party that we'll probably be talking about for decades.
Who the hell do we think we are with all these damn hands??? The Hindu god Vishru?!
We're gonna try to keep you up to speed on our trials and tribulations, but if we can't, we'll be back at you on Friday.
Is anyone else hearing the complete disinterest in our voice?
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